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·..§tr@ng€ Büt Trü€..·

Last holiday, a group of friends went to a birthday party of one of them.
At first it was fanny. However, when all the lights went out and all was in shadows and in silence, they heard a scream from a woman on the second floor. They were afraid, so they started to shout for help.
Suddenly, the lights came back and the house owner arrived and told the boys that the screams were from the ghost of a girl that had been killed by her husband in that house in 1.800, and that now he heard that all nights.
At last, all the friends were quiet and they went on with the party.
The End.


·Oo..The Letter..oO·

Dear Vane,

I'm writing to say thanks for your letter. I will try to answer your letters faster, I had a lot of things to do, sorry.
I still go to school, so I have to study for the last exams, I'm very nervous!
I study all days so, I don't have time to do anything, I can't go out! If I pass the exams, I promise you that I will visit you.
I'm so happy for your graduation, congratulation!
Well, what are you doing? Is it all OK? I hope that you and your family are well.
Write soon with all your news.
