·Composition about the advantages and disadvantages of being FASHION-CONSCIOUS.
---There are two opinions about being fashion-conscious. One of that thoughts, is that some people believe that to be on fashion is the best option but others consider that it's a crazy thing.

---People who think that the best clothes are the only which are on, at the moment, that are new on the shops, believe that they are or look more beautiful than others who always wear the same things. And also, they think that they could be accepted by other new groups.

---On the other hand, others feel that the new clothes are more expensive and that is true. Sometimes, being fashion-conscious makes you wear clothes that you really don't like and makes you look like an idiot. Discrimination, is a disadvantage for this group of people, because in some cases they are not taking part of any club or association, etc.
---In conclusion, the two options have their arguments in favour and against about being fashion-conscious. I think that if you want to be fashionable you could do it but with consciousness and wear only the clothes that you consider that are beautiful for you and don't wear all the things that the shops want to impose to you.